How To Start A Business In Ontario Canada

By | February 22, 2023

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How To Start A Business In Ontario Canada

How To Start A Business In Ontario Canada

Looking for information on how to start a business in Canada? Are you overwhelmed with how to set up your obligations, taxes, laws and insurance? We’ve got you covered. Here is a helpful guide to everything you need to know to start your business in Canada.

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First, you need to decide on the nature of your business. Will you be operating your business as a sole proprietor, corporation, partnership, limited partnership or joint venture?

If you choose to incorporate, there are many options for tax planning opportunities, including income sharing, spousal income sharing, and lifetime investments.

If you are going to run your startup business as a sole proprietorship, you will enjoy the ease of setting up and maintaining it, as well as the easy tax structure.

A partnership, which occurs when two or more people do business for profit, gives the partners greater control over how the partnership is governed and how the profits are shared, as well as a simpler way to manage accounting and business. Rs.

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If you are in a legal profession, such as law or accounting, a limited partnership may be the business model for you. In a limited partnership, each partner’s liability is limited to the amount they put into the business in the event the partnership fails. If that happens, creditors can’t go after personal assets or income.

For more information on choosing a business structure as well as a discussion of the differences, pros and cons of each, read our article on Choosing Your Business Structure – Sole Proprietorship, Corporation, Partnership – What’s Right for You?

If you choose to operate as a partnership or corporation, however, you must decide who will hold the positions of director, manager and shareholder(s) of the company. Now, that should be included in the planning decisions of your company.

How To Start A Business In Ontario Canada

If you choose to operate as a partnership, you will need a partnership agreement. The partnership agreement outlines the rights and responsibilities of each partner as well as how the profits of the business are shared.

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Who will be the shareholders of the new start up? Consider placing family members as non-voting shareholders in your company to reduce the amount. However, be careful. The new Income Tax Act (TOSI) came into effect on January 1, 2018, removing the tax benefits of income sharing with family members who do not participate sufficiently in the family business.

The aim of the new rules is to provide a level playing field for workers and employers. Since income sharing with family members is not available to employees, the German Government has decided to remove various tax benefits that were previously only available to employers by introducing the new TOSI rules.

Despite the new law, there are still ways to share money with family members legally. For more information on the new TOSI rules, read our article on the new Tax on Dividends (TOSI) Rules on Dividends for Company Shareholders.

If you have more than one shareholder, we recommend that you obtain a shareholder agreement to outline the rights, duties, and obligations of each shareholder, as well as common shareholder rules, share buybacks, and policies in the event of a shareholder’s disability, death or divorce.

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Finally, consider who your employees are going to be (including yourself). Now prepare employment contracts for your full-time and part-time employees. If you want to hire an independent contractor to provide certain services, then you can apply for an independent contractor contract instead of an employment contract. For the differences and benefits between the two, see our article on Self Employed and Self-Employed – What’s the Difference, and What Are the Benefits?

All businesses, whether you operate through a family or as an individual, require a separate bank account. Bring your Articles of Incorporation or Master Business License to your bank or financial institution when you are ready to open a business account. You can open an additional account to capture the HST you collect from your customers.

Do you need a first loan or a line of credit from a financial institution to finance your business? Or will you invest the capital yourself? Maybe you are looking for an investor to invest in your business with seed funding to get a share of your assets?

How To Start A Business In Ontario Canada

If you decide to finance your business on your own, we recommend that you apply for a shareholder loan. This will allow you to deduct all of your earnings tax free once they are earned. The CRA will want to see evidence of this shareholder credit.

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An important tool for credit planning is to register a security for the company under the Personal Property and Security Act (PPSA), with yourself as the primary creditor. This way, if your business fails, your initial start-up money can be secured by other lenders.

Now that your business is established, you’ll likely need business agreements with suppliers, product providers, and service providers. Whether you are in the business of selling goods or services, you will likely need supplier agreements, supply agreements, service agreements, sales agreements, license agreements and lease agreements. You may want to get it yourself or ask an attorney to help you.

Consider where you will operate your business. If you need office space for a business or business, a real estate agent can help you find prime space for your business. Next, you will need a commercial lease. Most landlords will give you a standard rent. We recommend that a lawyer review your lease agreement to advise you of your rights and obligations and to inform you of what will happen if you are unable to pay your rent.

If you want to work outside of your home, make all the necessary documents that identify your business and home business so that you can take advantage of the home office tax deduction. You are entitled to deduct the estimated cost of your home office space from your business. For more information on how to apply for and receive these fees, talk to one of our attorneys. A tax attorney will develop a comprehensive tax plan to achieve optimal tax savings, avoid tax problems, and maximize wealth.

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Now that your business is established, financed and has a secure location, the next step is to turn our attention to registering the business for tax purposes.

Upon installation, the CRA automatically assigns the company a Business Number (BN). These will be mailed 10 days after installation. If you are a sole proprietor, you will need to register your business on BN manually. You can do this by calling CR
A directly at the business line at 1-800-959-5525 or by clicking here.

Whether you are a sole proprietor or a corporation, you must also register for HST if you expect worldwide sales to exceed $30,000,000 in your first year. To do this, you must call the CRA business line at 1-800-959-5525 to open an RT program account. Your HST number will be the same as your BN number, however it will end in RT0001.

How To Start A Business In Ontario Canada

If your business will have employees (including yourself) you will also need to register for an RP payroll account. Also, you can open a payroll account by calling the CRA business line. The payroll number will be the same as your business number; however, it will end up in RP0001.

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If your business turnover exceeds $450,000,000 per year, you must also register for Employer’s Health Tax (EHT). Unlike the GST account, the EHT is administered through the Ontario provincial government. To register for EHT you must call the Department of Finance toll office at 1-866-ONT-TAXS (668-8297).

Finally, if you have employees, you should register with WSIB. You can do it online by following this link. You will need your BN to complete your registration.

If you decide to hire a business lawyer, all tax and registration procedures will be completed by the business company.

If you operate a business in a retail location, frequently interact with customers physically, or operate a “high-risk” business (such as coffee), you’ll want to get business insurance.

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Business insurance protects your business premises and all its contents, including office equipment, furniture, computers and more. It can cover accounting losses due to fire, cover a claim filed by an injured patron of your business, and cover other business losses. If you work for a large company as a manager or director, or are the director of a non-profit or non-governmental organization, you may want to consider getting additional D&O insurance.

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