How To Manage A Business

By | February 17, 2023

How To Manage A Business – 18.1 How to Run a Business Learn about the management function Study the management function of planning Examine the management function of organizing Investigate the management function of managing Explore the management function of control Understand the importance of a healthy business environment Section 18.1: How to Run a Business

3 What is management? Management is the efficient use and coordination of all resources of a business in a systematic and effective manner to achieve specific goals. Management functions include: planning organizing managing managing controlling Section 18.1: How to run a business

How To Manage A Business

How To Manage A Business

4 Planning Planning is an ongoing process of setting goals, determining when and how to achieve them, and determining how best to achieve them. There are three types of planning used in business management: Strategic planning. A strategic plan lays out a broad course of action to achieve a long-term goal. Strategic planning. A strategic plan outlines specific major steps to implement the strategic plan. Action plan. An operational plan details the day-to-day activities that will achieve the goals of the strategic plan. Section 18.1: How to conduct a business

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5 Organizing is an ongoing process of arranging and coordinating resources and tasks to achieve specific goals. Creates organizational structure. It puts people and resources in the right place and in the right combination to maximize production and minimize costs. One of the most important organizational tasks is selecting and recruiting the best employees, training them properly, and delegating authority and responsibility to them. Managers create organization charts that outline the chain of command within the business and the working relationships between different groups of people. Section 18.1: How to conduct a business

6 Directing Directing is an ongoing process of leading, influencing and motivating employees so that they will work together to achieve specific goals. Leaders must have good interpersonal skills. These are skills that people use when interacting with others. The ultimate goal of management is team building, which motivates a group of individuals to work together to achieve a shared goal. The three basic leadership styles are: Authoritarian Democratic Delegation Section 18.1: How to Run a Business

7 Controlling Controlling is an ongoing process of setting performance standards, measuring actual performance, comparing actual performance with standards, and taking corrective action if actual performance does not meet performance standards. Businesses set performance standards on many elements—production, costs, customer service, employee performance, equipment, finances, inventory levels, product quality, profits, and sales. Many businesses use the controlling management function to monitor the quality of the products or services they sell. A quality control program is a program used by a business to ensure that the products or services used meet certain quality standards. Section 18.1: How to conduct a business

Workplace climate refers to the general feel of a business and is shaped by the psychological states and attitudes of the people who work there. A company’s image is the perception (thoughts, attitudes, opinions and beliefs) that the public holds about a company. Companies create images whenever they interact with the public. Section 18.1: How to conduct a business

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18.2 Managing Expenses, Credit, and Cash Flow Learn about managing expenses Explore the role of credit in business Investigate cash-flow forecasting Examine ways to improve cash flow Section 18.2: Managing Expenses, Credit, and Cash Flow

Cost management is a two-step process that involves: Knowledge. A manager must have knowledge of business costs. action. Once a manager knows the extent of existing costs, he can work to reduce future costs. Section 18.2: Managing Expenditures, Credits and Cash Flows

11 Credit The role of credit is to provide extended time to repay a loan. When a business gives another business an extended payment period for purchased goods or services, it is called trade credit. When a business offers consumers an extended payment period for purchased goods or services, it is referred to as consumer credit. Every person or business that has used credit has a credit history, which includes a record of credit transactions and information about whether they have been repaid according to the credit terms set by the creditor. Section 18.2: Managing Expenditures, Credits and Cash Flows

How To Manage A Business

12 Cash Flow Forecasting A cash budget is a record on which a business owner forecasts (forecasts) incoming and outgoing cash flows for an upcoming period (usually a month) and then compares actual cash inflows and outflows with the forecasted amounts. Cash flow forecasting is a three-step process: List and total any expected incoming cash payments over the next month. List and total expected outgoing cash payments for the next month. Subtract expected cash flow from expected cash flow. Section 18.2: Managing Expenditures, Credits and Cash Flows

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13 Improving Cash Flow Generally, businesses should continuously work to reduce cash outflows and increase cash inflows. Here are some methods they can use: Take advantage of trade credit offered by other businesses. Collect payments from customers as soon as possible. Offer discounts to customers paying in cash. Do not allow customers to purchase on credit if they have excess bills. They insist on paying in cash. Be proactive in collecting overdue payments. Shorten payment times for customers using credit. Excess inventory does not tie up cash. Ensure that inventory is not lost, damaged, or stolen. Reduce cash paid in salaries and wages. Section 18.2: Managing Expenditures, Credits and Cash Flows

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Building and managing a team is a challenge for everyone, but especially for first-time business owners who are often learning by trial and error.

In a recent article, I quoted renowned business management expert Kenneth H. Quoting one of my favorite quotes from Blanchard: “None of us is as smart as all of us.”

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And in line with this—and I’ve often stressed—if you want to build a business, you need a team. When it comes to being a successful freelancer, working alone is fine, and many thrive off of it and find a tremendous level of comfort in it, but there is a big, big difference between being an independent contractor and being the head of a company with employees.

Building and managing a team is a challenge for everyone, but especially for first-time business owners who are often learning by trial and error. Some never get it right; However, those who are up for the challenge find that it refines their skills and over time find a sort of happy medium in interacting with other
s at the boss-employee level.

I say “happy medium”, because it’s actually a really hard thing to master, and a large part of that is because so much of it is out of your control. You’re dealing with different personalities, and even more complicated, you’re dealing with different moods on different days. Despite the old saying about “leaving your problems at the door” for your employees (and you), there really is no separation between personal problems and work problems. They are all “life problems” and they follow us wherever we go. This means that there will be a lot of additional variables quietly affecting things in the background.

How To Manage A Business

Add to all this that as a company leader, you are in a much more challenging position, as you are boss, colleague and provider all rolled into one. And that means you have to be a great political performer. Your team looks to you for guidance, but they don’t want to feel small. And they are looking for security, hoping that your decisions will give them, but at the same time they will often challenge your decisions that you intend to build a secure company that pays on time every month and also offers. Personal career growth opportunities.

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It sounds like an almost impossible task, right? Well, if the goal is done perfectly, then yes, it is an impossible task. But if the goal is to do well and continually improve, you have a realistic objective ahead of you. Let’s now look at five things you as a company owner and leader can do when interacting with your team.

As Aristotle once said, “Excellence is an art won by training and practice.” Quite simply, you need to take the time to train your employees. If you want to do something a certain way, you have to be prepared to lay the groundwork to show how it’s done—and, in fact, to find out how to do it!

There is nothing to be gained by giving some sloppy instructions and then complaining about the results

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