How To Make A Poster Board Stand

By | February 24, 2023

How To Make A Poster Board Stand – Fringe backdrops add so much fun to any party and I’ve been waiting for the right time to create a DIY table version! My son and niece both have birthdays in April and we thought that if we had separate parties the same people would be invited so we did our guests a favour. Lol! We decided on a Paw Patrol theme as both children love the show. It was difficult, but I tried to pick colors that would work for both genders and I went with pastel colors. It turned out well and made the dessert table extra special for the kids! The best part of this tutorial is that you only need six items to put together this fringe background.

Start by laying the trifold flat on the white side with the brown back facing up. Then stick three pieces of masking tape/packing tape across the fold lines on each side of the board. This helps keep the board from folding in.

How To Make A Poster Board Stand

How To Make A Poster Board Stand

Take the 4 poster stands and stick them along the bottom edge of the board. You can use hot glue to attach them if you want them to stick better. Make sure they are all flush with the edge of the board or it won’t stand properly. You can skip this step if your dessert table is against a wall and you want to tape it to the wall instead.

Easel Canvas Stand Vector Board Isolated. Wooden Easel Art Painting Paper Frame Stand Or Poster Stock Vector

I only used three poster stands but four would make the board more sturdy. You should end up with something like this:

Hold the poster stands flat and flip the board over so the white side is up. Then take a stream roll and wrap it around your hand until you have several strands. I made my loops hang about 16-18 inches long from the top of my hand. You don’t need to be exact with this as it is better to have different lengths. Then tape the top of the threads towards the bottom of the board. You may need to spread the threads when taping to the board.

Use scissors to cut the bent ends to make your fringe. You can trim the ends if they are longer than what was on the board.

Continue alternating stream colors and tape them along the length of the board. You can make different lengths of each color to add more texture. It should look something like this:

Tfcfl Double Sided Poster Board Stand With Adjustable Height Up To 71inches For Indoor Outdoor Display

I ended up using three sets of layers to fill this board. I taped the very top layer to the back of the board to give a more finished look. This fun DIY fringe backdrop is all there is to it for your next great party! I’d love to see how you get on! Tag me on Instagram if you give this a try! @diy_bucket_list We use cookies to make them great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie settings

This article was co-authored by Ryan Conway and staff writer Amy Bobinger. Ryan Conway is a Marketing Expert and Founder of Digital Tradesman, a digital marketing agency that helps builders, contractors and tradesmen grow their business online. With over ten years of experience, he specializes in marketing, web design, and search engine optimization. Ryan holds a BS in Business Administration and Entrepreneurship Studies from the University of Hartford. He also studied Graphic and Web Design at Boston University’s Center for Digital Imaging Arts. Ryan participated in Seth Godin’s altMBA in winter 2016.

There are 7 references mentioned in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.

How To Make A Poster Board Stand

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A Board Stand

Making a poster is a great way to announce an upcoming event, tell your opinion to protestors, or even decorate your room! Whether you draw your poster by hand or design it digitally and print it out, it’s important to think about how your poster will read up close and at a distance. Once you’ve chosen your basic design, choose a font, colors, and embellishments that will help viewers immediately know what your poster is trying to say after you hang it!

This article was co-authored by Ryan Conway and staff writer Amy Bobinger. Ryan Conway is a Marketing Expert and Founder of Digital Tradesman, a digital marketing agency that helps builders, contractors and tradesmen grow their business online. With over ten years of experience, he specializes in marketing, web design, and search engine optimization. Ryan holds a BS in Business Administration and Entrepreneurship Studies from the University of Hartford. He also studied Graphic and Web Design at Boston University’s Center for Digital Imaging Arts. Ryan participated in Seth Godin’s MBA article in winter 2016. This article has been viewed 1,290,948 times.

To make a poster, design your layout with the headline, slogan, or event written at the top of the poster, then use the sides and bottom of the poster to include important information such as a phone number or event date. You can then sketch your design by hand on poster board or create it digitally with a program like Photoshop. Color the words and add an image, logo or other design to make the poster look interesting! If you want to know how to order multiple prints of your poster, keep reading the article!

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