How Do Marketing Strategies Differ Across Different Cultures

By | February 25, 2023

How Do Marketing Strategies Differ Across Different Cultures – Summary Diversity can be both a benefit and a challenge for virtual teams, especially those that are global. The authors unpack their recent research on how diversity works in remote teams, concluding that benefits and pitfalls can be explained by how teams manage two aspects of diversity: individual and contextual. They find that contextual diversity is key to aiding creativity, decision making, and problem solving, while personal diversity does not. In their study, teams with higher contextual diversity produced higher-quality consulting reports, and their solutions were more creative and innovative. When it comes to work quality, teams high on contextual diversity performed better. Therefore, potential challenges due to individual diversity must be anticipated and managed, but the benefits of contextual diversity are likely to outweigh such challenges.

A recent survey of employees in 90 countries found that 89 percent of white-collar workers “at least occasionally” complete projects in global virtual teams (GVTs), where team members are scattered around the planet. are and rely on online means for communication. This is not surprising. In a globalized – not to mention socially distanced – world, online collaboration is essential to bring people together.

How Do Marketing Strategies Differ Across Different Cultures

How Do Marketing Strategies Differ Across Different Cultures

Yet despite the many benefits of GVTs, virtual collaboration is not without challenges. Virtual collaboration in global teams is not without challenges. Differences in time zones, languages, cultures, and skill levels, not to mention the different economic conditions and political systems of team members’ countries, can affect the way teams work together and their performance.

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In a recent study, our team identified some specific ways that differences among these remote global teams can shape the way they work. For managers, understanding how these dynamics work can help keep teams happy and productive. Managers need to understand these dynamics to keep teams happy and productive.

There is a large body of scholarship examining the challenges of intercultural communication and collaboration: A recent review of more than 1,100 studies published over 24 years in the Journal of International Business Studies revealed that 95 of these studies are concentrated on %. Adverse effects of team member differences. Similarly, much research has shown that age, gender, or ethnic differences can complicate interactions between team members.

However, team member differences can also be very beneficial to team performance. Many studies have shown that less homogeneous teams exhibit more creativity. Such teams also consider more options, process facts more carefully, are less likely to fall into the trap of groupthink, and ultimately make better decisions.

The question is: When do teams whose members live in different countries perform better, and when do they struggle? Our research reveals how different types of geographic diversity play out in teams.

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In our study, we observed the behavior and interactions of 5,728 individuals in 804 remote international teams as they worked over several months on business consulting projects. Each team consisted of six to eight team members from different countries, depending entirely on digital communication tools.

We tracked two broad categories of variance: individual variance and contextual variance. Individual diversity includes differences in easily observable individual characteristics such as age, gender, language, skills, and values. In contrast, contextual diversity refers to differences in the environments in which team members live, such as different levels of economic development and different types of institutions and political systems in their countries.

We also monitored team performance and atmosphere. Task performance includes indicators of the team’s performance on the project—that is, the quality and timeliness of the team’s output—such as the economic viability and innovation of business plans evaluated by external industry experts and the products the teams produce for their clients. design Team climate includes psychological outcomes, such as team cohesion, project participants’ satisfaction with their team members, their enjoyment of the work process, and their interest in working on another project with the same team. as measured in weekly surveys.

How Do Marketing Strategies Differ Across Different Cultures

Our analyzes have shown that individual diversity can negatively affect team climate. When team members come from different cultures, are of different ages, are unequally proficient in the team’s working language, or differ on an individual level, they spend time together, each other. Less trusting, less agreeable traits are perceived as less fun. about each other’s intentions, and generally communicate less. As a result, they experience less cohesion and more conflicts and misunderstandings.

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On the contrary, contextual diversity can positively affect task performance. When team members come from countries with different institutions, economic and political systems, they understand a wider range of contexts, have access to a more diverse pool of knowledge and experiences. As a result, contextual diversity allows for more ideas and perspectives, which aids creativity, decision making, and problem solving. Contextual diversity appears to be particularly useful when teams work on challenging tasks that require creative, unconventional approaches. Diversity of perspectives and understandings helps generate ideas, and more ideas on the table provide better solutions to the problem.

Projects that require creativity and unconventional thinking will benefit from contextual diversity. This includes not just ethnic or demographic diversity, but the diversity of contexts that team members come from and understand.

For projects that require the completion of more routine tasks where there is no need for innovation or complex problem-solving, a team low on personal diversity can complete the project faster and more efficiently. For routine projects like this, there’s no need to dwell on differences when building a team. Instead, managers should actively support the team to ensure more effective communication, interpersonal dynamics, and a more cohesive team environment.

Whatever the task, the following two strategies are advised to fully utilize the benefits of team diversity while addressing the associated challenges.

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First, to minimize the negative effects of personal diversity, companies should employ intercultural communication and diversity awareness training to improve cultural intelligence and interest in working with people from other countries. Programs and policies that reduce bias and stereotypes and encourage friendly interactions between diverse team members benefit any diverse team. Additional training on online communication and collaboration tools would be particularly beneficial for GVTs.

Second, contextual diversity can provide a boost to creativity and innovation that can only be fully realized when team members freely exchange ideas and knowledge. Acc
ordingly, work design should encourage such exchange and provide opportunities for discussion, friendly feedback and discussion, as well as constructive criticism and disagreement. People who are multicultural and, thus, can act as bridges between team members from different cultures, will be especially valuable to such teams.

It is still important to note that it is not always possible to separate contextual and individual variation. For example, more nationalities in a team usually result in both higher contextual and individual diversity. Therefore, potential challenges due to individual diversity must be anticipated and managed, but the benefits of contextual diversity are likely to outweigh such challenges.

How Do Marketing Strategies Differ Across Different Cultures

Peter Magnuson at the University of Texas at Rio Grande, United States, and Douglas Doe at the University of Melbourne, Australia, contributed to the research.

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How Do Marketing Strategies Differ Across Different Cultures

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