Social Media Paid Advertising Training

By | March 5, 2023

Social Media Paid Advertising Training – Almost everyone has and uses some form of social media in their personal lives. We are all familiar with it. This means that social media is valuable for marketing. It does

Ten years ago, so many brands had their interns put together posts, and we’ve come a long way since then. Social media marketing is an exceptionally popular and in-demand career, and it requires an advanced skill set to match.

Social Media Paid Advertising Training

Social Media Paid Advertising Training

While some people can develop the skill set through in-office training, the reality is that almost everyone (even those with some experience) could better experience the benefits of social media marketing through a more formal training course.

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In this post, we will discuss 8 invaluable benefits of social media marketing training, whether you are considering investing in the training for yourself or someone on your team.

(And if you need help convincing your boss, we’ve got you covered with our post on getting your employer to pay for social media training!)

Real social media training isn’t just reading a few blog posts online (although that’s a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices).

It’s continuing education that goes beyond discussing theory and talks about actionable steps you can take, strategies you can use to get results on social media, and how to turn results into profit.

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Need help upping your social copywriting game, or increasing the photos you share for your clients or employers?

Good social media training can also go over tools and software that you can use to get better results.

Good social media training will give you the specific knowledge you need to develop, execute and evaluate your campaigns. A side order of confidence also comes with the skills.

Social Media Paid Advertising Training

Now that we’ve talked about what additional social media training can teach you, let’s take a closer look at the 8 incredible benefits of social media marketing training.

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Social media marketing isn’t just about uploading posts and waiting for new followers to find you. It’s not going to work even if you work for a big brand.

If you e.g. want to build brand awareness as a local brand, you can do one of the following:

Without knowing how to set up a detailed strategy, even the biggest brands are unlikely to see results. However, proper social media training will give you the tools you need to get the job done right.

In our experience, many small businesses have had no idea that YouTube could be an effective marketing platform for them… until one of our graduates recommends it, and it works.

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Just as important as knowing that YouTube could be a good fit for your brand, however, is understanding how exactly to optimize your content for each platform to be successful.

You can take a simple concept and break it down into a four-minute video on YouTube, complete with a search-optimized title and description, clickable CTAs within the video, and a strategy for fitting it into a playlist.

The same concept might be better served as a one-minute-thirty-second video on Facebook shared in a group for discussion, with a clickable title and a link to take more actions or learn more in the video’s description.

Social Media Paid Advertising Training

Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok use hashtags, but they don’t do very well (and can sometimes end up looking spammy) on Facebook pages.

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Even the images you upload need different sized graphics in some cases to ensure they don’t end up with awkward cropping.

One of the most significant benefits of social media marketing training is a solid understanding of current best practices for how to take a single idea and make it relevant and optimized for each platform. How to get results.

In addition to learning about social media strategies that can help you achieve results, a benefit of social media marketing training is also knowing how to really take advantage of so many golden features that you may not otherwise know about .

Without formal training, would you know how to set up chat features on your Facebook Page’s Messenger account to automatically book appointments with new leads without having to have a customer service representative on the other end of that message?

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Do you know how to drive in-app sales on Instagram and how to create native social shopping?

How about Pinteest’s dynamic rich pins that constantly update information like product descriptions or prices so your content is always relevant no matter when users see it?

With dedicated social media training, you’ll learn about semi-hidden, specialized and easy-to-miss features that can benefit your employers or your customers directly. And in many cases, these features are sales-focused and essential to potential ROI.

Social Media Paid Advertising Training

All social media campaigns — like all marketing campaigns, frankly — will require testing. There will always be

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Trial and error as you discover what works for an individual organization’s specific target audience and their individual goals. There is no exception to that.

That said, once you get hands-on, detailed social media training from qualified experts and courses, you’re not starting from scratch. There is no need to take a few stabs in the dark and see what works; you go in with a strong, educated guess.

It’s the difference between getting a headache and searching for answers on WebMD and seeing a doctor who can assess known risk factors and specific symptoms.

It’s easier to create a plan that gets results quickly and gets you on track faster once you have this knowledge.

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Lots of brands are considering running paid ads on social media (such as Facebook ads, Instagram ads, or Twitter ads). But many of these same brands are afraid to invest funds in pay-to-play platforms that can quickly chew up their budget with team members who are not PPC specialists.

Social media ads are a completely different animal than organic content, and with paid ad spend involved, there’s a lot at stake.

Social media marketing courses that focus on paid advertising can give you the tools you need to create new campaigns that are more likely to be profitable right from the start.

Social Media Paid Advertising Training

You’ll learn about bidding strategies, copywriting tips, split testing tactics and more. Th
ere are ways you can lower your price per action (CPA) or use the platform’s machine learning to your advantage.

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For example, our Facebook Marketing Course will teach students how to navigate the platform, target different types of audience segments and generate sales.

Specialized social media advertising training should definitely be a priority for many marketers, even if they already have solid experience in organic social marketing.

Every few days it seems like there is some kind of change that is either rolled out or announced on at least one platform.

Facebook and Instagram alone typically have about four or five changes every single month. They can be minor, like a new addition to the CTA button, or it can be major, like an algorithm update that will completely change how your followers see your content.

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New platforms are also popping up left and right. TikTok wasn’t even a “thing” five years ago, and now it’s one of the most downloaded apps worldwide and one of the most popular social media marketing tools.

One of the benefits of social media marketing training is that you get up-to-date information that accounts for all platforms exactly as they are right now. This will give you your best chance of achieving results for each platform.

So far we have talked a lot about how to get more results and get better results. It is a major focus for most brands and their social media, and for good reason.

Social Media Paid Advertising Training

But creating results alone is not enough. You also need to know how to track, monitor and analyze them.

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For example, you might want to create a strategy designed to help your new customer establish brand awareness. That’s excellent, and even once you’ve come up with the strategy and created a content calendar…do you know exactly how you’re going to measure it?

What metrics can you show your boss to reflect that you’re gaining traction, and how will you know if the campaigns aren’t working and you need to pivot?

Brand awareness, for example, can be measured by assessing factors such as reach, views, growing followers, social shares and (significantly) mentions. You can also use Google Analytics to see how many clicks are coming from your social networks.

Even outside of specific goals, it’s important to know which metrics you should and shouldn’t be looking at. For example, likes are nice to have, but they don’t mean nearly as much as comments, shares or clicks. If you don’t know this, though, it’s easy to think that lots of likes mean you’ll be successful.

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It is also crucial to remember that the engagement rate matters more than the number of engagements. You can read more here.

And remember that without the correct interpretation of your results, you won’t know how to optimize and move forward, nor will you be able to provide valuable reports to your client or boss.

This is, of course, easily the best benefit of social media

Social Media Paid Advertising Training

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