Advertising On Social Media Vs Traditional

By | February 19, 2023

Advertising On Social Media Vs Traditional – These differences between traditional media and social media aren’t just interesting—understanding how social media differs from traditional media will have a huge impact on your success with social media. Run your social media campaign like you would your traditional media campaign, and you’re likely to do more damage to your brand than good, and you’ll end up spending a lot of money doing it.

A lot has changed since I wrote this article in 2012, so it’s worth updating it now with some new insights into the two communication channels and how to use each successfully. Actually, so many changes have affected this post, we’ve republished it to reflect the changes.

Advertising On Social Media Vs Traditional

Advertising On Social Media Vs Traditional

To summarize the differences between these two communication channels, check out the chart below, which I believe highlights the key differences in how to succeed with each specific channel. When I originally wrote this content, I identified 16 differences, although over time new operational and functional differences appeared and some differences disappeared. For example, the social network is no longer truly free, as organic reach has decreased with changes in the algorithms that determine how posts are distributed on social platforms. Therefore, I removed this element from the table.

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If you think about it, it is very clear that there are many differences between traditional media and social networks, such as those listed in the table above. Traditional media creates value by subsidizing content – free TV and radio programs, low-cost magazines and the chance to win prizes. In exchange for this content we want to see, we allow advertisers to interrupt our day to tell us about their products. In fact, soap operas take their name from historical trends in patronage that were cleaning products.

Of course, technological changes now allow us to avoid ads paid for by content sponsors. Streaming services offer ad-free content on both TV and radio, while more and more users record programs to watch later, allowing them to fast-forward past commercials. Increasingly, consumers prefer to pay for content rather than advertising. In part, at least, this is an advantage over so-called “spray and pray” advertising, meaning advertising is shown to a broad audience in hopes of reaching a target market without a specific targeting strategy. This is the nature of traditional media.

Sports sponsorship allows brands to use content so that viewers can see their ads, because in most cases, viewers choose to watch sports events in real time, eliminating the possibility of advertising, and since streaming services do not carry sports events, sports fans have the opportunity are limited to avoid advertising.

The difference between traditional media and social networks is that social platforms – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. – are already FREE and the content is provided by other users, so the content is needed to ensure that the content is continuously available to users. does not require sponsorship.

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So advertisers can’t expect us to let them bombard us with commercial messages because they don’t get anything in return. I mean, let’s face it, nobody likes ads!

So the key to making social media work is to offer some other type of value—whether entertainment, information, support, or other types of reward—in exchange for exposure to your business message. And, the ratio cannot be 1:1. You should provide about 90% value to 10% commercial posts. A good example is Taylor Swift. He shares his albums before they are available in stores as well as insider information about music and bands in exchange for joining his network. So you get the occasional message about buying his album or concert tickets (at least in the pre-pandemic world where concerts existed), but you stay a Facebook fan because you get value in other ways by interacting with his page. you do

Native advertising is the use of paid advertisements that match the look, feel, and functionality of the media format in which they appear. Native ads often appear on social media channels or as recommended content on a web page. Unlike display ads or banner ads, native ads aren’t really like ads. They appear to be part of the editorial flow of the page. The key to native advertising is that it’s not intrusive—it exposes the reader to the promotional content like a sore thumb.

Advertising On Social Media Vs Traditional

In the social world, social media provides value through targeted advertising that matches our interests. Therefore, after visiting the website, I can see the discount code shared with me on Facebook [this is made possible by Pixels linking your website to your Facebook profile]. That’s the value and I don’t mind taking such offers.

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Since 2012, there has been a movement to shift conversations to digital media instead of social media or social networks. This shift, not just a reflection of semantics, celebrates the integration of digital strategies, including blogging, social media and email marketing, with a stronger commitment to driving ROI, including strategies related to lead generation, website traffic tracking, and more. These changes are even better. distinguish between traditional media and social media by creating metrics to measure results and provide insights aimed at improving market performance. Because of the nature of communication channels, traditional media clearly lack metrics.

In the years since this article was published, social platforms like Facebook have made more efforts to monetize their platforms so users can see more ads. Although Facebook and other social platforms have improved their targeting so that users see more relevant ads, users still don’t like ads, hence the rise of ad-free platforms like Snapchat, which has grown rapidly, especially among younger users.

The concept of paid and profitable media and ownership has attracted the attention of marketers in recent years. In the past, marketers focused on intellectual property media – postings to social networks on their pages, profiles, etc. Now they must integrate across owned media, paid media (Facebook ads, ads, affiliate links) and earned media (sharing behavior). which amplifies the brand message). As noted in the graphic below, this reinforcement offers a deeper increase in ROI from digital strategies than focusing on building social media platforms. In this example, we follow a message through 3 “generations” of engagement to see how quickly a message’s reach expands as the message travels from user to user through a network of user-created connections.

Integrating email marketing into your digital strategy means more effort is spent on customer acquisition and managing your email marketing through platforms like Salesforce, as well as using email marketing automation to ease the workload.

Integrated Marketing Communications

Social networks are increasingly replacing traditional communities (with individual activities even before the pandemic stopped all sectors of people, limiting group and group activities) and the ease of communication in these virtual communities attracts billions of people to social networks and convinces them, to incur significant co
sts. time to engage in social media, especially during the pandemic.

The trick to social media marketing success is to join this community and harness its power rather than relying on traditional marketing communications.

So instead of interrupting the conversation, join the conversation. Become an integral part of the community – someone everyone recognizes and welcomes because you share fun and interesting things with them. Guy Kawasaki is a master at this and hires a staff to find and share interesting pictures, videos and news on Alltop, and the really interesting stuff is published as “Hol Kaw” on several social platforms and websites.

Advertising On Social Media Vs Traditional

Use the community. Studies and experiments show that people are more engaged when they are part of something. So ask the community to contribute content like a great video or suggestions for a brand name. This crowdsourced content will attract new members to your community. For example, I created a brand community on Facebook called my Social Marketing Tribe. Anyone can join and we’ll share cool tips we’ve found, ask questions, get support for projects we’re working on, and more.

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While most advertising (traditional media) is designed for mass consumption, social media involves one-to-one marketing. This means that messages are targeted at specific groups, often called personas, that offer rich insight into your various target markets.

Therefore, marketers need to understand their target market ON EACH NETWORK so that messages can be tailored to the individual. Although you may have a broad target market, Facebook markets can be quite different from YouTube markets, and tailoring your approach to each network is key to your success.

Neil Taparia, who runs the FreeCell Challenge, explains, “When we promote our FreeCell games, our messages are always different across all channels. For example, with TikTok, you need to have unique short video content that is interesting and amazing to do well. This video may not work on Facebook or Instagram.”

One aspect I didn’t address in my 2012 post is the role of real-time marketing in digital media. When I worked with a large advertising agency, we would spend months preparing a campaign – crafting the message, filming, editing images, carefully planning media spend, and so on. In the rapidly changing digital landscape, there is no time for this.

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